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CNC Machining
CNC Machining is more precise than manual machining, and can be repeated in exactly the same manner over and over again through the use of computers to control machine tools such as lathes, mills, routers and grinders; Because of the precision possible with CNC Machining, this process can produce complex shapes that would be almost impossible to achieve with manual machining.
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We have Modern CNC turning, milling and gear cutting equipment, with supporting inspection equipment
CNC Capabilities:
- CNC Turning
- CNC Milling
- CNC Milling
Supporting Capabilities:
- Shaping
- Planing
- Boring
- Sawing
- Burnishing
We at Marples Gears are committed to high quality, high precision CNC manufacturing through the use of high tech equipment and continual inspection.
Our standards for machined part tolerances are between 0.0002″ and 0.0001″.
Delivery time is dependent on the complexities and processes of the part being manufactured, but usually our parts have a turnaround between 10 and 90 days. For a more accurate estimate of the turnaround of your part please send us a drawing of your part. Expedite may be available upon request.
Special Processes are outsourced and can be performed by NADCAP certified providers upon request.
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